
Event Submission Form

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To feature an event on VisitSouthEastEngland.com please fill in the form below following the instructions. All events will be approved by Tourism South East prior to publication. Please note as a non Tourism South East member, you can only post one event per year. 

Please enter your product information below.

Select location
Select the product category here.
Booking number or if no booking number contact number.
Event website or website of organisers/venue.
Event email address or organiser/venue email address.
Enter the product description here.
Please upload a jpg image 800 pixels wide and Landscape format (max 8MB). Once you have selected your file please remember to click the UPLOAD button. By submitting an image below, you are confirming that you have copyright permission to share this image with Tourism South East for publication on visitsoutheastengland.com. Please also complete the copyright field and image alt text below, which should be a brief description of the image along with establishment name e.g. 'Flowers at establishment name'
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    Add dates to Date From and To. Select your opening and closing times. Please select an hour and a chosen minute, which is available in 10 minute intervals. You can add more than one opening time
    From: *To: *
    Add another Opening
    Price per person. Adult/Child/Concessions. Any discounts available.
    Your name.