07736 057836 info@sandwichevents.org.uk

Sandwich Festival

23rd -25th August

A weekend of free entertainment in the town centre and on the Quay Green.

Saturday and Sunday : Medieval experience on the Quay Green, craft fair, market. A concert for Martha Trust on the Guildhall forecourt .

Monday: Classic cars, market stalls, craft fairs, duck race

Saturday – Town Centre

09.00 – Music for Martha Guildhall Forecourt

10.00 – 1600 Craft Stalls in St Peter’s Church and gardens with refreshments from the Nostalgic Sandwich – Cakes and Savouries Pop Up Café

Saturday – Quay

10.00 till 17.00 Medieval Experience –  Sandwich Medieval Centre on the Quay

The Blacksmith will be working his forge and making parts for the Medieval boat, ‘The Nicholas’ and other crafts will be demonstrated including woodworking, calligraphy and bread making at various times.

For more information see

Sunday  Town Centre

10.00 – 15.00 Italian cars by the Alfa Romeo Owners Club, UK Kent and East

10.00 – 1600 Craft Stalls in St Peter’s Church and gardens with refreshments’

Sunday  Quay Green

10.00 till 17.00 Medieval Experience .Sandwich Medieval Centre on the Quay

The Blacksmith will be working his forge and making parts for the Medieval boat, ‘The Nicholas’ and other crafts will be demonstrated including woodworking, calligraphy and bread making at various times.   For more information see

10.00 -16.00 E-bike test track in the quay dip courtesy of Locks cycles.

Monday  Town Centre

10.00 – 17.00 Market on Guildhall Forecourt

10.00 – 1600 Craft Stalls in St Peter’s Church and gardens with refreshments

Monday  Quay Green

10.00 till 17.00 Medieval Experience  – Sandwich Medieval Centre on the Quay

The Blacksmith will be working his forge and making parts for the Medieval boat, ‘The Nicholas’ and other crafts will be demonstrated including woodworking, calligraphy and bread making at various times.  For more information see

10.00 – 1600 Classic cars with the Ramsgate Old Motor Car Club

15.30 The Rotary Duck Race – launch on the quay.

The Sandwich Festival is organised and managed by a small team of volunteers.  We would like to thank all our supporters and funding sponsors including The Sandwich Tollbridge Fund, The Mayor’s Charity, The Sandwich Community Events Association, Carpenters Stores, The Sandwich Shop, , Locks Cycles, The Fleur de Lis Hotel, and The Kings Arms Hotel.




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